Tips On How To Get Into The College Of Your Choice


The college admissions world can be mysterious. Students and families seek the best fit of education that will hopefully launch a great future. Meanwhile, colleges may have limited available seats, institutional priorities, and opaque algorithms that factor into admissions decisions. College admission officers thoroughly assess your interviews, recommendations, activities, essays, test scores, courses, and high school grades. But as a student, you don’t need to panic. You’ll increase your likelihood of getting into the colleges of your choice by following these tips:       Grades are Crucial.   So get the best possible grades you can during all four (4) years of high school. Colleges want to see that you’ve focused from the beginning on getting the best education your high school has to offer. Students should start thinking about college applications as early as eight grade. You need to make the most of your time in high school proactively.   If it took you a while to get on track, you should consider making up lost ground. You can do it by doubling up on science, math, or foreign languages as a junior or senior or do it in summer school. While admission officers note struggles, they also […]

Test Preparation Tips


In this article, you will know the proven strategies that have helped students prepare more effectively for exams and improve test scores. Don’t Cram. Don’t Procrastinate. Most experts will agree, cramming is not effective at all. According to UCLA professor of psychiatry Andrew Fuligni, cramming causes students to sacrifice sleep time to study. While knowledge is required to perform well on a test, sleep is critical for academic success. The best way to prepare yourself for the test is to give yourself enough time to study. It’s best to start preparing long before the day of a test. Be sure to complete reading assignments on time and review lecture notes frequently. Dedicate more time to the midterm or final exams as they are often more critical and demanding. Plan Your Study Time Plan your study time and amend your study schedule to meet your needs. It’s easy for other activities to take precedence over studying, so be sure to make time for studying. We recommend preparing a term calendar, weekly and daily schedule that includes regular study sessions. After forming a plan of study sessions, make sure you stick with them.  Watch for Clues Most teachers have a methodology for […]

How to Be a Good Student


College campuses typically a friendly place, but at the same time, a competitive environment. What you learn there will guide you for the rest of your life. Your good grades will significantly help you get the first job or in your application to graduate school. As a student, you need specific skills to be successful, but these are skills that can be learned. The Basics of Being a Good Student Your top priority should be doing well in school. Study and always attend class. Do all your assigned reading and homework. You should have self-discipline and know how to manage your time very well. Self-Discipline Made Easy Self-discipline may not be natural at first, but you can train yourself to it. Your behavior may contradict your reasoning. But you can educate yourself to have an immediate reaction-mechanism within you. Make it a practice that you want to do what you know you should. Time Management Remember that you only have 24 hours a day, no matter how you slice it. Good time-management requires:       Taking a note on more than you can handle.       Having a reasonable estimate of the time needed to complete each of […]

5 Tips To Decide On A College


Selecting a college is the kind of decision to take seriously as it involves a lot of factors. These factors include location, fit, cost, postgraduate success, and other aspects that will shape the college experience of a student. Beyond that, the college choice will influence daily life, extracurricular opportunities, friendships on and off-campus. Considering the weight of this decision to make, an applicant should take a serious look at what they want out of a school before selecting that university. Here are expert tips to help students weigh every aspect of a college once that acceptance letter arrives. Find the right fit. You want to feel comfortable where you’re enrolling as you color many aspects of your life. Finding a college you can embrace will serve you well as it will be your home for the next four years. Going to a college that’s the right fit for you will also make your transition to college easier. Explore campus beyond the tour. Campus tours are often led by enthusiastic student ambassadors and also an experience curated by the college. They are informative and a great way to see much of the campus and hear about it from the perspective of […]