Test Preparation Tips


In this article, you will know the proven strategies that have helped students prepare more effectively for exams and improve test scores. Don’t Cram. Don’t Procrastinate. Most experts will agree, cramming is not effective at all. According to UCLA professor of psychiatry Andrew Fuligni, cramming causes students to sacrifice sleep time to study. While knowledge is required to perform well on a test, sleep is critical for academic success. The best way to prepare yourself for the test is to give yourself enough time to study. It’s best to start preparing long before the day of a test. Be sure to complete reading assignments on time and review lecture notes frequently. Dedicate more time to the midterm or final exams as they are often more critical and demanding. Plan Your Study Time Plan your study time and amend your study schedule to meet your needs. It’s easy for other activities to take precedence over studying, so be sure to make time for studying. We recommend preparing a term calendar, weekly and daily schedule that includes regular study sessions. After forming a plan of study sessions, make sure you stick with them.  Watch for Clues Most teachers have a methodology for […]